Tuesday, 16 September 2008


Last Friday was a company away day, where in the spirit of team bonding, various challenges were set including duck herding (and lots of inevitable keeping your ducks in line jokes). But perhaps the most fun was an unscheduled match of football, which as you can see from the photo, was taken extremely seriously, with Katie Cowan, publisher of Collins and Brown very much playing the man, not the ball. My bruises are still healing, but at least I've learnt why her authors deliver on time...


Norman F said...

Did anyone make the "Book 'er! No, not this year" gag? If not I can totally understand why. It's not great.

Tom Bromley said...

It's not one of your best. But then, it's not one of the best tackles I've ever seen...

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

during this
virus. Why?
Not everyone
makes Heaven.
God bless you.